Gender equity: the key to a brighter future

Gender equity: the key to a brighter future

At Lab, we live our daily lives and design our actions based on what we want to see in the world. That is why the issue of gender equity is so important to us, as we do not believe in an auspicious future without women.

Gender equity: the key to a brighter future

Gender inequality is one of the most pressing challenges we face as a society. To accelerate changes and balance this still so unequal scale, dialogue is needed, and full understanding of the subject and actions that really make a difference, even if in small spheres, are needed.

At Lab, we live our daily lives and design our actions based on what we want to see in the world. That is why the issue of gender equity is so important to us, as we do not believe in an auspicious future without women - each and every one of them - being able to exercise their full potential and freedom. Equity, inclusion and women's appreciation in technology are fundamental pillars in our culture.

Camila Tavares, who has been with Lab for 4 years and was recently promoted to QA Leader, is the mother of two boys aged 2 and 4, and tells us how motherhood is still a stigma in the work area and how important it is to be in a company that welcomes women in their many facets:

"There are already huge difficulties and daily struggles that we face in the job market and in corporate environments just because we are women and because we seek to have a voice and relevance. But the battles intensify even more when we become mothers, in the face of prejudice and the fallacy of that motherhood makes us less productive.

Lab brought me a totally different experience, welcoming and challenging me, giving me the opportunity to be the professional I am today, but first of all to be the woman and mother that I also am, respecting and celebrating this condition."

In fact, celebrating, respecting and giving women equal conditions with men, who are still a minority in the area of ​​technology, is everyone's role and must be daily exercised.

One of the main responsible for the creation of Laborit0 and senior designer at Lab, the Argentine Natalia De Marco believes that what makes the difference in the work environment is knowing that she will be able to be heard and respected by her male colleagues:

"At LAB, I always felt respected as a woman and I was always treated as an equal by my male colleagues, I was never afraid to express myself or give my opinion. And although this is basic, unfortunately it still doesn't happen in most of the companies.

Here, everyone's opinion and wisdom is respected equally. LAB for me represents equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of gender, race or nationality."

Although women are gradually conquering their space, the barriers, often invisible, faced by them, are still great.

According to a survey carried out by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 9 out of 10 men and women around the world have some kind of prejudice against women in the labor market. 40% say men are better executives and should have access to more jobs when the economy is in decline.

According to the Ethos Institute, in Brazil, only 38% women hold some leadership position.

At Laborit, the female presence more than doubled in one year and today they occupy positions in all areas of the company, leading, coding and designing. Women have led Lab to be an increasingly better and prosperous company. For Rhaysa Ferreira, manager of the company's marketing area, all big changes start with small actions.

“We know that we cannot change the reality of women all over the world, but we genuinely believe in the transformation that we can make if we start from the inside out of the Lab, not only in relation to gender equity, but in relation to minorities in general. As a black woman, I am proud to be part of a company with these thoughts and actions.

And she adds that having a female CEO has made a difference:

"I believe that much of this purpose of equity comes from having the opportunity to have as CEO a woman, Telma Côrrea, who is also a mother and who, in addition to doing an incredible job, does not give up certain values ​​and vision of what the world can be.

It's amazing to be surrounded by such inspiring, talented and competent women. I hope we can help each other achieve all of our goals and rights, whether in or out of technology."

At Lab, we work daily and incessantly to transform this corner here into a space of acceptance and respect for women, where they can conquer their spaces and use their voices, experiences, knowledge, sense of leadership and skills in building a fairer world and less misogynistic.

In addition to doubling the female presence in one year, we are investing in a free educational program - where vulnerable women can have mentoring, training and work opportunities in the area, - stay tuned that registration will open soon.

May the achievements and struggles, often invisible to women, be the agenda of concrete and daily actions around the globe until we reach gender equality. And if you're a man - remember - this fight needs to be yours too.

Gender equity: the key to a brighter future

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